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  • Writer's pictureEduardo Barandiaran


Puente del Inca, is a natural arch-like bridge sitting across the Las Cuevas River, a tributary of the Mendoza River. Puente del Inca is found in Mendoza Province, Argentina, close to Las Cuevas. When translated to English, Puente Del Inca means “Inca Bridge”. Despite the name, it was not constructed by the ancient Inca civilization. Rather, the arch was formed by glacial melts coated in minerals; that was where it derived its bright colours from. Join Johnny Jung Jung today as he explores Puente del Inca.

This natural bridge is situated about 120 miles west of Mendoza. It is noticeably higher in the Andes than the town. There are several notable sights to see as one drives through the slopy roads that lead to Puente del Inca. You can see rocky Inca Messenger huts, abandoned railroads as well as glacial valleys intersecting the Mendoza River several times. On arrival at Puente del Inca, you will see a few restaurants, some sheds selling local craft, and a host of Argentinian stray dogs. The short path through the relic sheds lead to the bridge. Follow Johnny Jung Jung as he embarks on this exciting adventure today.

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